DANA Customized solution - Tripod

DANA Customized solution - Tripod

DANA Customized solution Tripod
DANA Customized solution - Tripod

Feature | DANA Customized solution Tripod

  • Roller guided length compensation resulting in low axial forces
  • High wear performance of the length compensation ensures high availability and low backlash
  • Integrated multiple release safety coupling as overload protection which protects the driveline against damages due to torque overload
  • Daily mission of the train can be finished with released coupling at maximum speed
  • Optimized in weight and dynamic torque
  • Remote relubrication system at the joints assures easy access to the joint greasing points
  • Improved sealing performance of grease nipple prevents grease loss during rotation
  • Operating angle up to 8°
  • Tested and approved up to 2550rpm
  • Design approved by independent body

ติดต่อ DANA, DANA Hydraulic, mobile Hydraulic

DANA Thailand
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